Dean Woodward

Dean Woodward

iOS Developer

I am a versatile person, with both technical and creative aptitudes, allowing for the detailed analysis of problems, and the ability to think outside the square. I enjoy the immediacy and versatility of mobile applications, and strive to build products displaying both an elegance and understated simplicity, while underpinned by robust coding practices.


iOS Development

Four years practical experience in iOS development, initially in Objective-C, and later Swift. Skills in all aspects of the application creation lifecycle, from conceptualisation, design, prototyping, coding and testing, through to final deployment.


Practical skills in HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery and Bootstrap, gained through work on Ruby on Rails projects, and the construction of numerous app support websites. Experience in using Markdown for Github project support pages.


A keen eye for design and animation. Proficient in the use of Sketch, Flinto and Framer for designing and prototyping applications. In-depth knowledge of the Apple and Google material design idioms.

Version Control

Experience using Git/Github version control. Regular use of the Git workflow of branching, pull-requests and code reviews to maintain code quality and facilitate the undertaking of large projects in a controlled and sustainable manner.




Jobseeker/Employer job matching application, arising out the product owners frustrations with current job advertising practises. Developed using Swift, incorporating social media login, In-app purchases and Firebase messaging and notifications. Using Alamofire and PromiseKit to handle API interactions.



Application allowing users to search for and book meeting rooms, and view meetings for the day. Developed with Swift, using AFNetworking for API interactions. Led the design and prototyping of the iOS and Android applications.

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Co-developed the Q-Card iOS application for Fisher & Paykel Finance, allowing users to view account balances and transactions, along with updating their account settings. The first application developed in Swift at Datacom, using Restkit for networking and object mapping.

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Pastel Planner

Pastel Planner

School planning application developed in collaboration with three students from St Mary's college as part of the 2015 Techhub challenge. Developed using Swift, with Magical Record for data persistence and XLForm for data entry. Led the design and protoyping of the iOS and Android applications.

Download on the App-Store


Computer Power Plus

May 2019 - July 2019

A short term contracting position to cover a staff absence, which involved running laboratories and workshops, marking assignments and one-on-one tutorial sessions. Technologies used included Python, NodeJS, Javascript, HTML, Java and Unity 3D.


February 2017 - February 2018

Working as part of a small internationally distributed team coding a Swift application to facilitate Employer and Jobseeker matching. Application utilises social media login frameworks, Firebase messaging and In-app purchases.


December 2012 - June 2016

Three years developing mobile applications, the majority in native iOS, but with several months of hybrid development using Sencha Touch. Approximately six months of Ruby on Rails and web development. Designed and prototyped numerous iOS and Android applications.

Victoria University

2011 - 2012

Tutoring students and marking assignments for the first year computer science course and second year network engineering course. This gave me an understanding of the wide range of approaches people have to problem solving, and forced me to have a robust understanding of the concepts being taught.


Bachelor of Computer Science

Victoria University 2010 - 2012

Studied a range of subjects, including functional programming, artificial intelligence, and databases. Numerous course projects involved the use of native Android development.

Certificate in Electrical Engineering

Wellington Polytechnic 1998 - 1999

Two years study towards a certificate in Electrical Engineering. Studied a wide range of electronic concepts and high level engineering mathematics papers.

Diploma in Fine Art

Taranaki Polytechnic 1992 - 1995

Three years studying fine art, majoring in electronic sculpture. This gave me a solid understanding of utilising technical skills to achieve creative outcomes.


Outside of work, I enjoy utilising my technical skills in the creation of musical applications and instruments. Whether it be building a new guitar, writing micro-controller code for a midi controlled device or reading blogs on iOS audio programming, there is always more to learn and then warp sideways. When I'm not puzzling over CoreAudio or reading a Digital Signal Processing book, I'm brewing ginger beer or working on my push-bike in the shed.

Contact Me

027 5519 888

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